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How to Clean and Maintain Marble



Natural marble gives your space a charming and unique look. Marble is highly porous and is composed of calcium carbonate which reacts to acidic substances. It is a soft material prone to stains and scratches. Learn how to clean and take care of your marble countertops at home.

Clean Immediately

Spills need to be wiped immediately as acidic substances should not get time to react with marble and create permanent stains. For the kitchen countertop, always use a cutting board to chop fruits or vegetables and do not place hot utensils directly on the marble. In the bathroom, keep all the toiletries on a tray instead of keeping them directly on the countertop.

Routine Cleaning

Fill a spray bottle with warm water and gentle dish washing liquid soap. Shake gently and spray the solution on the marble countertop. Rub and wipe the countertop with a non-abrasive sponge or a soft microfibre cloth. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or regular cleaning products which comprise bleach or ammonia as they have the tendency to scratch the marble surface.

Remove the Stains

These DIY cleaning methods are a great way to remove specific stains from the marble countertop.

  • If the countertop is stained by organic products like tea, coffee or fruit juice then wipe the stain with a mixture of 12 percent hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia followed by a dry wipe. This chemical solution is an effective way to dissolve the stain.

  • Absorb the stain by applying a paste of baking powder and water on the marble countertop and letting it stay for a period of 12 to 24 hours. The next step is to wipe the baking powder paste with a damp cloth followed by a dry wipe.

  • Oil stains from grease or cooking oils can be cleaned with a soft liquid cleanser, gentle household detergent, ammonia or mineral spirits.

  • If there are paint marks on the marble then remove it with a blunt razor so that it does not scratch the marble surface. Small amounts of paint can be removed with a lacquer thinner.

If the stains still remain on the countertop, then it is recommended to bring in professional cleaners or marble polishers to remove permanent stains from marble.

Seal the Countertop

Use a spray sealant at least once a month or use it periodically as per the manufacturers or marble supplier’s instructions. The sealant works as a barrier to prevent liquids from penetrating within the marble so that the countertop can retain its shining look.


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